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Cooperation between MASU and the Arctic University of Norway continues

  • 28.06.2021
  • 949

Barents Plus mobility programme has announced the results of its application round for autumn semester 2021. All the 14 proposals submitted by MASU are approved. This is an unprecedented success in the history of international activity at the university. The overall funding amounts to NOK 165,000 (approximately RUB 1.4 million).

  • Administrative staff exchange (UiT — the Arctic University of Norway, campus Alta): MASU rector Irina Shadrina, vice-rector for research Maria Knyazeva, head of International Cooperation office Iuliia Shestova, head of Research office Ekaterina Skalaban, director of the Institute of Creative Industries and Entrepreneurship Tatiana Belevskikh, director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Tatiana Kuzmicheva, head of Property Management department Pavel Nadtochey.

  • Academic exchange: head of «Monitoring and conservation of Arctic natural ecosystems» laboratory Maria Menshakova (UiT the Arctic University of Norway, campus Tromsø), associate professor in the Department of Philology, Media and Communications Marina Pastuskova (UiT — the Arctic University of Norway, campus Alta).

  • Academic exchange within the framework of international cooperation on the Arctic pedagogy (UiT — the Arctic University of Norway, campus Alta): head of the Department of Pedagogy Valery Chernik, head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy for Special Needs Yulia Afonkina, director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Tatiana Kuzmicheva, advisor of the International Cooperation office Mikhail Uksusov.

  • Seminar on the Saami language teaching: associate professor in the Department of Philology, Media and Communications Victoria Bakula.

We give our colleagues sincere congratulations and wish them successful cooperation with Norwegian partners.

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