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MASU representatives take part in the «BeTech!» international project

  • 13.12.2021
  • 752
MASU representatives take part in the «BeTech!» international project

The closing event within the international project «BeTech!: Development of Common Approaches to Involvement Youth into Science and Technical Sphere» was held on December 11. Schoolchildren, teachers from the schools of Murmansk and the region, together with MASU representatives, took part in the event.

The Interactive Museum of Engaging Science «Fokus» staff prepared an interactive science game, during which children solved puzzles, carried scientific experiments and explored unusual physical phenomena. All the participants had an opportunity to create hand-made souvenirs to take them home. The event ended with entertaining activities and a tea party.

The project is funded by the Kolarctic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014−2020. Municipality of Alta (Norway), UiT The Arctic University of Norway (campus Alta), the University of Oulu (Finland), Education, Innovation, Science and Research union «Socium+» (Russia), Association of Contractors «Murmanshelf» (Russia) and Murmansk Arctic State University take part in the project.

The international project «BeTech!: Development of Common Approaches to Involvement Youth into Science and Technical Sphere» will end on December 31. The project's main results will be reflected in the article that will be published later. The article represents the collaborative work of researchers from Russia, Finland and Norway.

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