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A bridge between Kirovsk and Weihai

  • 17.12.2021
  • 700
A bridge between Kirovsk and Weihai

The international online project «BRIDGE TO CHINA 2021» ended at MASU Vocational College in Kirovsk.

The Agreement on Cooperation signed in 2019 between Weihai Vocational College and MASU Vocational College in Kirovsk have made it possible to carry out this project. When the representative of the institutions signed the agreement, which implied the enhancing of international educational relations, they also defined a plan for joint activities, the organization of which had begun. However, the pandemic had other plans.

And only in 2021, it became possible to resume joint activities. Weihai Vocational College invited MASU College to participate in an online project: «Bridge to China 2021», from late November to December.

The project was designed for people with zero or basic knowledge of Chinese but are interested in Chinese culture. The project aimed to share the experience in language education between Russia and China, improve the understanding of cultures and languages by young people from China and Russia.

Students at MASU Vocational College in Kirovsk learnt about Chinese transcription and characters. Students also noted that it was complicated to work with Chinese characters but amusing to use them in writing and speaking. The students had an unforgettable experience: they sang a few songs and listened to stories in Chinese, had a virtual sightseeing tour of Weihai, learned about Chinese traditions and chatted with fellow students from China.

MASU Vocational College in Kirovsk delegation visited Weihai Vocational College for the first time in the autumn of 2019. During the visit, the MASU representatives met the deputy mayor of Weihai and College Rector. Later, the delegation from Weihai Vocational College paid a return visit to Kirovsk in December of 2019. The delegations signed a Memorandum on Cooperation that included academic mobility programs for students and staff, internships and training.

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