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A Five-Star Students Day at MASU

  • 26.01.2022
  • 657
A Five-Star Students Day at MASU

Students of Murmansk Arctic State University celebrated Russian Students Day.

Russian Students Day is also known as Tatiana's Day, named after the patron saint of students and teachers. The celebration has begun at 10 a.m. with a trolleybus number 6 run. MASU vocal and instrumental ensemble and the host greeted passengers, sang their greatest hits and told the history of the holiday.

Meanwhile, other MASU students dressed as hussars from cavalry and ladies paid visits to every famous Tatiana in Murmansk: in the the City Administration, Regional Government and Regional Centre of Voluntary Work.

Not only did students wish all the best to one another. Tatiana Kusaiko, representative to the State Duma, Svetlana Videneeva, acting Minister of Education and Science, and Dmitry Panychev, Minister of Health of Murmansk region, heartily congratulated our students. During his visit, Dmitri thanked students at Clinical Medicine Department for volunteering during the pandemic and wished them future success in public and scientific activities, as well as expressed his desire to welcome more students at MASU General Medicine programme. Evgeny Tarbaev, chief medical officer at Murmansk Regional Multipurpose Medical Centre, also wished our students a happy Students Day and invited them to visit his Medical Centre.

Students also participated in cheerful sports games «FreeON», where four teams representing MASU, MSTU and the Regional Centre of Voluntary Work competed for a prize at MASU Sports hall. The key feature of the sports games is unusual equipment and funny costumes. After a few hours of battles, team «Furious Five» became a winner, a team of students from India «The Braves» came in second (both represented MASU), and a team from MSTU finished third. We thank the Youth Centre of Civic and Patriotic Education of Aleksandrovsk and MASU students-volunteers for the games' organization.

The first-ever Rector's Brunch with students, Andrei Chibis, Murmansk governor, and Yuri Fomin, vice governor, was held that day. «Dear students, I want you to be happy, never give up and be strong. Our main goal is to have more young people stay in the Arctic, as it has always been developing and remaining young. The development is going strong nowadays, and now we need to involve more young people, those born in and out of the region. We need the Arctic to get younger,» said Andrei Chibis.

Students Night became the final point of the day. However, it was not a traditional Students Night. Skating-rink in the city centre turned into a skating-party rink. Ministry of Sports organized a battle between hockey players and figure skaters, who competed on ice. Students also enjoyed 3D photo booths.

Photos provided by Murmansk Region Government.

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