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International Day of Women and Girls in Science: a message from Vice Rector for Research Affairs

  • 11.02.2022
  • 880
International Day of Women and Girls in Science: a message from Vice Rector for Research Affairs

Nowadays, only one in three researchers in science and technologies in the world is a woman. The scientific community is concerned and trying to raise public awareness.

«This inequality is depriving our world of enormous untapped talent and innovation. We need women's perspectives to make sure science and technology work for everyone. We can — and must — take action,» said António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, in his message.

On December 20, 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted a «Science, technology and innovation for development» resolution recognizing equal and complete access to and participation in the development of science and technologies for women and girls of all ages. Two years later, a new resolution declared February 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

This resolution urged world leaders to pay attention to the existing problem, define the reasons for gender inequality in science, technologies and innovation, and organize events on the integration of women and girls into the science community.

«I would like to congratulate my colleagues, as well as early career and future researchers — Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. Students — on this Day. I wish you prosperity, fewer obstacles on the thorny path to the discoveries while spreading more charm and writing your names in history,» said Georgy Gogoberidze, MASU Vice Rector for Research Affairs.

If you want to know what science means to women and what role women play in science nowadays, then check out the interview (in Russian) featuring MASU women-researchers on our website.

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