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Collaboration of MASU students and Roscosmos

  • 29.03.2022
  • 670
Collaboration of MASU students and Roscosmos

Students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty had a virtual meeting with the representatives of Roscosmos, the State Space Corporation, on March 28. The meeting was held in the Chief Directorate of EMERCOM of Russian for Murmansk Region.

Roscosmos representatives told students about Russia's orbital infrastructure. They also discussed the possibility of providing MASU students access to online data of satellite observations via Roscosmos geoportal.

Murmansk Arctic State University and Chief Directorate of EMERCOM for Murmansk Region organized the meeting, as they maintain the productive cooperation. In the context of the cooperation that begun in 2021 MASU students have developed a number of software programs at the request of the Regional EMERCOM.

«The collaborative work with EMERCOM gives various opportunities for students as they gain practical experience in designing IT-products for a real employer,» said Irina Lazareva, Ph.D. of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Docent, and Head of 'Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence for the Arctic' Laboratory. «This meeting will provide our Laboratory with imagery from Russian satellites that have optical and radar equipment. As a result, we will be able to continue our work on the monitoring and forecasting of emergencies in the Arctic.»

'Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence for the Arctic' Laboratory is engaged in analysing satellite data for solving environmental challenges of the Russian Arctic. MASU students in Applied Mathematics and IT, as well as in IT and Computer Technologies, actively participate in research and laboratory's work.

Several graduates have chosen for their thesis the following theme: developing methods for monitoring and forecasting emergencies such as spring flood, wildfires in summers and oil spillage. These methods include dynamic analysis of ice breakup in rivers and flooding, wildfires and oil spillages detection. All of that helps to predict risks of natural and man-made emergencies.

Recently, MASU students have installed and tested new software, requested by Regional EMERCOM, for report documents management provided by duty staff. The software helps to manage the report documents for authorities that contain information on emergencies in the region. Now the information will be collected and processed faster, and that will optimize emergency response.

«It is a pilot system that one day will become an integral part of EMERCOM's daily work,» said Evgeny Frolov, Head of Emergency Department at the Chief Directorate of EMERCOM for Murmansk Region.

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