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Murmansk Arctic State University has entered the World Directory of Medical Schools

  • 12.05.2022
  • 1077
Murmansk Arctic State University has entered the World Directory of Medical Schools

The World Directory of Medical Schools is a public database of institutions that provide medical education around the world. The Directory has been developed through a partnership between the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). The Directory represents a list of world medical schools and general information such as programme details, admission requirements, and contact information. Besides, graduates of the medical schools included in the Directory have the right to proceed to further education in any country of the world for expanding their expertise and increasing the skills-set.

The fact that Murmansk Arctic State University is now listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools will make our General Medicine programme even more attractive and allow us to increase the number of potential students from many countries.

As of today, students from India, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Uzbekistan are already studying under General Medicine programme.

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