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FREEDOM-ART: first youth creative space in the city

  • 18.05.2022
  • 694

The National Youth Projects Competition for Universities announced the winning project, among which was the project presented by MASU students. The group of students was awarded 530 000 rouble.

The project called 'Creation of FREEDOM-ART creative zone' aims to set up a new artistic area in form of exhibition space in MASU main building. Once the art-zone is set up, a series of art displays, organized by students, graduates and applicants will take place there.

The project authors are Valeria Lipchanskaya, Polina Tikhomirova, Daria Kasyanova, and Dmitri Zamshev. All of them are 4th year students studying Work Arrangement with Youth. Anastasia Berezina, Creative Industries and Entrepreneurship Institute graduate, has also made it to the project team. 'Sotsionom', MASU student voluntary movement, and Students Council representing Humanities and Social Studies Institute will also join the project.

«We would like our art-zone to become a point of attraction for people, who once were students, who are students now, and who will be one someday. There is no place in Murmansk where young people can express themselves and show what they can do in terms of art. However, they want to speak about the art, and they want to be heard. The art-zone will let us unite creative youth and give them a space for self-fulfilment and self-expression,» said Polina Tikhomirova, one of the project's partner.

Svetlana Petoshina, Ph.D. of Philosophy and Docent, and Tatiana Tegalyova, Senior Lecturer, became the project's mentors. Both of the lecturers represent MASU Philosophy and Social Studies Department.

The project team expresses their gratitude to Tatiana Belevskikh, Director of Creative Industries and Entrepreneurship Institute, Elena Fedeneeva, Institute's Senior Lecturer, and Daniila Semyonova, Institute's Assistant Professor.

The first series of art displays are to be hold in September. Everyone is free to join! It is time to show what you can do: sketch or sculpt, knit or take photos, in other words, create or invent. The project's team will not only put your creation on display, but also tell your story. Time to get creative!

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