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Monthly News Digest: top news of July

  • 08.08.2022
  • 1207
Monthly News Digest: top news of July

See below what has been going on around at Murmansk Arctic State University over July.

MASU students join the northernmost graduation party

July started with Murmansk Arctic State University along with Murmansk State Technical University bidding farewell to their students during 2022 National Graduation Party. The event was held in the heart of Murmansk, where near 100 top students of both universities received letters of recognition from Andrei Chibis, Murmansk Region Governor. The governor has also answered some burning questions from students regarding youth support on the region, research and science development, and local issues. Lyubov Lychkina and Maria Knyazeva, both Acting Rectors of the universities, have also made their farewell speeches. Later on, students had an opportunity to speak to HR specialist of region's top enterprises and leave their CVs. The night ended with standing buffet and dances once all the speeches were made and our dear students were on the way to the new beginnings!

Summer eco-activities with MASU students

Future-ecologists kicked off the summer with eco-events such as bike ride, team competition that included eco-oriented quiz, recycling, and art making. ECO-Arctic, a MASU student-led movement, has also participated in eco-action and collected 14 bags of plastic goods and a5-litre-bottle filled with plastic caps. The idea of the action is simple: you donate all the plastic caps you can find at home, and money received from theirs recycling goes to charity. By the way, you can always donate your caps at Kapitana Tarana, 25 in local office centre.

English 0+ movement reaches new heights

English 0+, a MASU student-led movement, expand its activity with its project and gaining new experience at Your Turn national competitions. The movement focuses on teaching English in Murmansk's kindergartens and language-oriented children clubs.

The movement is yet to receive grants and funding to make new goals and promote its opportunities. However, throughout 2022 the movement held English classes at Murmansk kindergarten no. 110 in a form of games. The classes allow children to form a multicultural understanding of our world, as well as start learning a new language and acquire new skills.

Solving challenging issues with MASU students

MASU students have received a grant to implement their Real Life project, designed to teach children, who will soon leave orphanages, basic skills for easier adaptation in adult life. The skills include health support, paying bills, applying for jobs, managing finances, etc. The project involves meetings with representatives of the facilities, where the skills are required, and support from local banks, employment agency, and others.

The project is intended to offer help to children aged 14−18 who will acquire the skills through quizzes. The existence of these issues and leaves no doubt, when it comes to its relevance and social significance.

MASU joins Pedagogical Universities Consortium

Murmansk Arctic State University have recently entered a ‘Capacity Building in Education', which is Pedagogical Universities Consortium. The Consortium was established in 2020 with the support of Sberbank Foundation — Investment to the Future. The universities in the Consortium have an opportunity to implement various project: from students and staff exchange, research cooperation to organizing seminars and sharing practices and experience.

Tatiana Kuzmicheva, Advanced Doctor in Pedagogy and Director of Psychology and Pedagogy Institute, will represent MASU in the Consortium. Yulia Afonkina, Ph.D. of Pedagogy and Head of Psychology and Pedagogy for Special Needs Department, joined the Consortium's executive committee.

For more details and photos from each event, check out MASU official VK group.

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