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MASU hosts a mathematics festival for students from local schools

  • 10.03.2023
  • 718
MASU hosts a mathematics festival for students from local schools

MASU Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty held Polar Coordinates, a popular science festival of maths for students of Murmansk region's schools. More than 130 students attended the Festival and took part in various educational events.

Vera Levites, Dean of Faculty, and 2nd year students organized a mathematical game for eighth and ninth-graders. Children were solving mathematical speed puzzles and challenging tasks.

At the workshop led by Victoria Lazutina, a 3rd-year student, high school students learned how to count faster and do unusual maths calculations. At the same time, the youngest participants of the Festival, third and sixth-graders, wrote mini-essays discussing the role of mathematics in their lives.

The Festival also included two open lectures: Georgy Wolfson, a mathematics teacher at St. Petersburg Physics and Mathematics Lyceum no. 366, told the audience about the paradoxes of probability theory. Later, Natalia Nedelko, an associate professor of MASU Mathematics, Physics and IT Department, demonstrated the tricks of the Excel spreadsheet software for calculating profits and making forecasts about the projects' development.

The organizers of the Festival thank all the participants, MASU students and volunteers, as well as maths and elementary school teachers for their help in organizing the Festival.

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