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MASU lecturer joins the International Federation of Translators

  • 21.04.2023
  • 810
MASU lecturer joins the International Federation of Translators

Elena Aleksandrova, Associate Professor of MASU Modern Languages Department, has become a member of the Standing Committee on audiovisual translation at the International Federation of Translators.

The International Federation of Translators or FIT (Federation Internationale des Traducteurs) is a professional non-profit organization with headquarters in Paris. Established in 1953, the Federation focuses on promoting professionalism, improving conditions for the interpreters, translators and terminologists, as well as upholding translators' rights and freedom of expression. The FIT is an international grouping of more than 100 associations in 50 countries. It also maintains operational relations with UNESCO.

The goal of the FIT Standing Committee on audiovisual translation is to solve theoretical, legal and methodological issues of audiovisual translators around the world, including dubbing, subtitling, audio description and voice-over translation of audiovisual works (TV and radio broadcasts, films and TV series, audio guides, computer games, etc.).

As a member of the Committee, Elena will analyse the global state of a group of professions related to audiovisual translation and media accessibility.

'The new members of the Committee have been elected just three months ago, so the work on collecting information about professional associations in the field of audiovisual translation and media accessibility has only begun,' comments Elena. 'Since it is quite a complex work, we are adding new people to the Committee. Apart from me, and the representatives of Finland and Austria, we are expecting the colleagues from the USA, Greece and India to join us.'

According to Elena, the first results of the Committee's work will be presented as the analysis of best practices, professional standards, legal aspects, copyright issues, challenges and prospects for the development of professional activities of world associations in terms of audiovisual translation and media accessibility. All the results obtained during the research will be presented at the International Federation of Translators' roundtable, which will allow in the future to conduct educational and commercial work in a more qualitative and meaningful way.

'We have already developed a questionnaire for professional associations-members of the Federation, have partnered with the European Federation of Audiovisual Translators and the corresponding division of the American Translators Association, as well as have launched an awareness campaign together with the British Community of Subtitling Theorists and Practitioners,' adds Elena.

Having a MASU representative as a member of the International Federation of Translators is the result of Modern Languages Department's long-standing work, especially when it comes to theory and practice of translation, as well as educational accessibility for visually impaired people.

The department has been training translators and interpreters for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs for more than 10 years now. Last year, the department celebrated the opening of a unique Master's degree program on audiovisual translation and media accessibility, directed by Elena.

In addition, Elena Aleksandrova is a member of the Union of Translators of Russia's Board (SPR), the head of the SPR's Youth network and SPR's Murmansk regional branch. Elena regularly organizes training events for professional and soon-to-be translators and interpreters, wins grant competitions. Elena's students hit the podiums of international competitions and work on improving media accessibility in Russia.

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