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Future teachers present their projects in pedagogy

  • 18.05.2023
  • 1101
Future teachers present their projects in pedagogy

Students of the regional secondary vocational and higher educational institutions presented their projects at Murmansk Arctic State University.

The regional competition of research projects in pedagogy was organized by the university to assess the skills of teachers-to-be, as well as to motivate the youth to do more research and projects. Each team or individual project aimed at reflecting current problems of pedagogy, both in theory and practice, taking into account the speciality of each contestant.

'The contestants touched upon a wide range of issues: from specialist training for the tourism industry to youth environmental education. A significant part of the projects has already been put into practice and successfully implemented into the professional and educational activity of the participants,' commented Dmitry Levites, chairman of the judges, Professor of MASU Pedagogy Department.

MASU students also took part in the competition and were ranked first in all nominations for the university's students. Galina Zayakina, a third-year student of Creative Industries and Entrepreneurship Institute, presented her project on the pedagogical potential of film tourism in Murmansk region.

'Film tourism creates a visual code of the region, and forms its image through films and TV series. Murmansk region has a great potential for the development in this area, as well as the solution of relevant pedagogical tasks,' commented Galina. 'My project represents an excursion plan for high school children. It is called «Murmansk in films». It allows you to study the history of filmmaking on the Kola Peninsula, as well as promotes love of our homeland. The project has summer and winter routes, and covers all significant locations in the city, where the films have been shot in the past.'

Anzhela Shkileva, a Master student of Psychology and Pedagogy Institute, presented her project on creating conditions for the successful integration of young specialists into the teaching profession and keeping new teachers working at schools.

'My project accomplishes two tasks: facilitating the adaptation process for aspiring teachers by creating a favourable psycho-emotional environment in a school, as well as identifying and prevent possible difficulties in a teacher's work. We have conducted a survey and identified the main issues among young professionals. The survey allows us to assess whether experienced teachers are ready to help new ones. Within the project, we plan to create a handbook for new coming teachers on solving problematic situations at work,' shared the details the author of the project.

The best and highly respected judges assessed the projects — Dmitry Levites and Artem Punantsev, both lecturers of Murmansk Arctic State University. They were joined by the representatives of the Northwestern Institute of Moscow Humanitarian Economic University, the Murmansk Technological College of Service, and regional centres and organizations working in the sphere of education.

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