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Prospects of a new wave of foreign students in Murmansk Arctic University

  • 02.11.2023
  • 181
Prospects of a new wave of foreign students in Murmansk Arctic University

In July 2023, Viktoria Piksendeeva, Director of the Arctic Human Resources Center, travelled to India. The visit was organised by Shilon, MAU's international partner, the company that promotes Russian higher education institutions in India.

It was a great opportunity to get to know Indian culture, lifestyle, traditions, and customs more closely in addition to work purposes.

Studying General Medicine is not only popular among Russian universities' applicants, but also interesting for international students. At this moment, around 30 people from Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, and Kerala study at MAU.

The presentation of our university really appealed to potential applicants.

«We had several meetings with representatives from South India recruitment companies that promote Russian education. However, it was a pleasant surprise to meet our students who are already studying at our university. They shared their impressions from studying in MAU as well as living in Murmansk. Each of them had their own story that you can't help believing! Currently, our 2nd year students are practicing in hospitals in their homeland, but next year they will have a chance to work at Russian health institutions,» Viktoria Piksendeeva shared. She also added: «It was really nice to meet the parents of our students and answer their questions. I am certain we will continue our partnership with the recruitment agencies. Soon enough Murmansk Arctic University will gain its deserved reputation and recognition on international education market.»

General Medicine programme of MAU is included in the World Directory of Medical Schools, created with the support from Worldwide Health Organisation, as well as in the list of recommended educational institutions of the Embassy of India in Russia. This is why the majority of MAU's international students choose this programme.

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