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Murmansk Arctic University (MAU) seeks to implement its academic potential by setting its goal as to become an advanced international research, informational, analytical, consulting and project center, as well as to transform into a leading institution in terms of R&D through delivering practical and innovative contribution for ensuring global competitiveness of Russia in the Arctic circumpolar areas. Our mission, first and foremost, is to facilitate comfortable human presence in the Arctic in the context of natural conformity and sustainable development of the High North. 


Arctic bioresources and biotechnologies

This strategic scientific research direction involves the development of innovative technologies and products, including recycling of Arctic water and land bioresources, creating new nutrition products and other biotechnological developments that are aimed at improving the quality of life of people in the Russian Arctic.


Human health in the Arctic

This strategic scientific research direction involves the development of means to promote systematic approach to improving the quality of life and lifespan, including through the introduction of social welfare growth principles, healthy lifestyle, and health protection of the people in the Russian Arctic. It is being done through analyzing health condition, social problems and prospects for people on arctic territories; diagnosing physical health of various age groups; implementing innovative therapeutic and medical technologies in current challenging environment.


Innovative pedagogical technologies and socio-psychological welfare of the people

This strategic scientific research direction involves developing new psychological and pedagogical methods and technologies that increase the quality of education on every level, socio-psychological and pedagogical competence of the population.


Infrastructure of the Arctic territories

This strategic scientific research direction is aimed at developing innovative technologies and methods for creating industrial, engineering, and social infrastructure facilities, including building materials ensuring their sustainable functioning in Arctic conditions.


Climate and space weather

This strategic scientific research direction is aimed at examining the interrelation of the weather and climate of the Arctic, space weather variables, their impact on socio-economic activities and life support of the population and economic entities of the Russian Arctic, as well as developing technologies for monitoring and predicting climate variability in the Arctic.


Creative industries, Arctic tourism, and Northern identity

This strategic scientific research direction involves developing technologies aimed at forming the Arctic urban and territorial design codes reflecting territorial identity and new instrumental, technical, architectural, and landscape developments. This also includes those related to tourism and hospitality industry, based on Russian historical experiences in the development of the European Arctic, conditions of multi-ethnicity and multi-confessionalism of the European North of Russia, and factors that influenced the formation of Northern identity in the conditions of cultural landscapes of the northern regions and peculiarities of multicultural Arctic region. This is also performed by taking into account modern migration process trends, formation of patriotic education, tolerance, and social security in the region.


Logistics in the Arctic

This strategic scientific research direction is aimed at developing innovative technologies for creating the Arctic transport network and logistic centres, new principles for developing and functioning of the transport infrastructure of the Russian Arctic and its individual components, including the Northern Sea Route, railways, automobile and aviation transport.


Arctic mineral resources

This strategic scientific research direction involves developing innovative products and technologies to implement them into the activities of mining and processing companies. This includes tools based on 3D technology, new developments in design and features of mining equipment, schemes and scenarios of their interaction in the main processes of open-pit and underground technologies for the development of mineral deposits during the operation of the mine, operation of the mining and transportation complex, and the transport flow of the mine.


Marine technologies for the Arctic

This strategic scientific research direction involves developing innovative technologies for secure and effective operation of Arctic sea vessels and other watercraft of various classes, including their components, as well as conducting marine operations in the Arctic.


Natural ecosystems and technosphere security of the Arctic

This strategic scientific research direction involves developing innovative methods and technologies for monitoring and environmental protection measures to preserve highly vulnerable Arctic ecosystems and comply with the principles of technosphere security in the context of global climate change and intensification of economic activity in the Russian Arctic. This ensures the sustainable functioning and development of components of eco-socio-economic system of the Russian Arctic in high-risk conditions, including timely detection and forecasting of possible emergencies and dangerous phenomena of natural and man-made origin.


Sustainable development and territorial planning of the Arctic

This strategic scientific research direction involves developing the innovative methods and technologies for research on the sustainable development of Arctic territories as eco-socio-economic systems and professional activity spaces; means of developing the territories with the aim of strengthening of the Arctic macroregion as area attractive for investment and social projects.

Type Title Co-authorship countries Language
Chapter Turning to Face the Non-human: New Strategic Ways to Think About the Pandemic Ссылка на статью - English
Article Energy-Efficient Building Materials For Arctic Conditions As A Criterion For “Green Building” - English
Article Information Model Of Green Building Research In The Arctic: Methodological Aspects - English
Article Thermal Imaging Survey Of Wooden Buildings: Evaluation Of Two Structural And Technological Solutions - English
Article Modernization of BLDC Motors for UAVs Czech Republic English
Article The System of Rotor Blade Tip’s Illumination for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Czech Republic English
Article The Pollen As Bioindicator Of The Genotoxicity Of Environment - English
Article The Circumpolar Impacts Of Climate Change And Anthropogenic Stressors On Arctic Cod (Boreogadus Saida) And Its Ecosystem USA, Canada, Norway, English
Article Patterns Of Spatial And Temporal Dynamics Of Mixed Mytilus Edulis And M. Trossulus Populations In A Small Subarctic Inlet (Tyuva Inlet, Barents Sea) - English
Article Mineral-Free Biomaterials From Mussel (Mytilus Edulis L.) Shells: Their Isolation And Physicochemical Properties - English
Article The SEM And TEM Study On The Structure Of Organic Scaffold (Conchix) Isolated From Mytilus Edulis L. Mussel Shells - English
Article Empirical Models Of The Earth’s Ionosphere Field-Aligned Currents: A Review - English
Article A Paradigm Shift In The Agricultural System In The Arctic Zone Of The Russian Federation - English
Article Evaluation Of The Efficiency Of Sorbents For Accidental Oil Spill Response In The Arctic Waters - English
Article Effect of Cod Gelatin and Sodium Alginate on the Nucleation of Gas Hydrates - English
Article Phase Behavior of Aqueous Mixtures of Sodium Alginate with Fish Gelatin: Effects of pH and Ionic Strength - English
Article Mineral-Free Biomaterials From Mussel (Mytilus Edulis L.) Shells: Their Isolation And Physicochemical Properties - English
Article Variety Of Canned Pastes From Cod And Its Liver With Improved Quality - English
Article Determination Of Kelp (Laminaria Digitata) Technological Characteristics Depending On The Drying Method - English
Article Mechanism of Heterogeneous Alkaline Deacetylation of Chitin: A Review - English
Article Underused Marine Resources: Sudden Properties of Cod Skin Gelatin Gel - English
Type Title Co-authorship countries Language
Paper Application of neural network language models based on distributive semantics for ontological modeling of the domain - English
Paper Behaviour of electric drive of roller-bit drilling rig swivel head with fuzzy control - Russian
Collection of articles BRIDGE – A Sustainable Network of HEIs and SMEs in the Barents Region: Bridging Communities of Stakeholders to Enhance Regional Pursuits Finland, Norway English
Paper Changes in physiological and biochemical parameters of Barents Sea Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus 1753 in response to low salinity - English
Paper Comparing the Effectiveness of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and Flipped Instruction on EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension China, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Iraq Iran English
Paper Decision Aid Digitalization in Geopolitical Risks Management for Maritime Logistics
Paper Decision Support Digitalization for Large Environmental Logistic Projects - English
Paper Electric energy demand management in mining industry using smart power grids - Russian
Paper Extraction of bioactive components from Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) herb growing in Kola Peninsula using deep eutectic solvents - English
Paper Geo-Information Support Digitalization for Northern Sea Route Logistics in the Context of Climate Change and COVID-19 - English
Paper Investigation of High Voltage Circuit Breakers for Breaking Capacity Based on Simulation Models - English
Paper Investigation of STEM Subject and Career Aspirations of Lower Secondary School Students in the North Calotte Region of Finland, Norway, and Russia Finland, Norway English
Paper Modeling power use at processing plant - Russian
Paper Natural Risks Management Digitalization for Arctic Seaports While Climate Change - English
Paper Numerical Modeling of the General Circulation of the Earth’s Lower and Middle Atmosphere in Mid-January - English
Paper Numerical Modeling of the Origination of Polar Lows in the High-Latitude Atmosphere - English
Paper Polyvariance of ontogeny of Castilleja lapponica Gand. under industrial pollution of the Subarctic - English
Paper Possibilities of Sustainable Development Including Improvement in Air Quality for the City of Murmansk‐Examples of Best Practice from Scandinavia Poland English
Paper Possibility of Oxygen Ion Fluxes Forming a Current Sheet in the Near-Earth Magnetotail - English
Paper Regional Component of Education as The Key Factor of Effective Development of The Professional Orientation (Based of The Arctic Zone of The Russian Federation) - English
Paper Role of Oxygen Ions in the Structure of the Current Sheet of the Near-Earth Magnetotail - English
Paper Spatial Structure of the Illuminated Area of the Auroral Hiss Based on Ground-Based Observations at Auroral Latitudes Finland English
Paper State of coenopopulations of Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soo. (Orchidaceae Juss.) in disturbed habitats of the Arctic urbanized territory - English
Paper Two lineages of bivalve transmissible neoplasia affect the blue mussel Mytilus trossulus Gould in the subarctic Sea of Okhotsk - English

Type Title Co-authorship countries Language
Paper Allowing for Local Thermodynamic Non-Equilibrium in the Vibrational Bands of Carbon Dioxide Molecules in the Radiation Block of the Model of the General Circulation of Earth’s Atmosphere - English
Paper Analysis of transport and separation systems in radiometric separators: Ways to improve their efficiency - Russian
Paper Assessment of factors affecting the development and implementation of investment projects in the Russian Federation Arctic Zone - English
Paper Automated geoimage generation of Arctic industrial and natural complexes for regional management information support systems - English
Paper Between Denmark and Moscovia: the Kola Sámi in the border conflict of the second half of the sixteenth–first quarter of the seventeenth century - English
Paper Bioindication of toxicity and mutagenicity of the environment - English
Paper Can the Arctic be saved for the next generations? Study of examples and internships in Murmansk District Poland English
Paper Composition and Distribution of Marine Anthropogenic Litter in the Barents Sea - English
Paper Development of a model of an agent identifying the noise signal in a ball drum mill - English
Paper Development of a Simulation Model of Personnel Logistics of a Mining and Chemical Cluster - English
Paper Development of customized simulation models for high voltage generators - English
Paper Differences in the Predicted Conditions of Shortwave Radio Communication between a Medium-Latitude Transmitter and a Receiver in the Arctic Region with the Use of Different Empirical Ionospheric Models - English
Paper Digital learning technologies within geo-information management - English
Paper Digitalization of Arctic shipping along the Northern Sea Route - English
Paper Digitalization wildfire management near smart city - English
Paper Discourse of tourism: Rhetoric and metaphorical aspects (in education and tourist brochures) - English
Paper Encounters in and with Summer Camps—Happy Childhood, Alternative Bildung, or What? Norway English
Paper Energy efficiency of buildings in arctic regions of the Russian federation - English
Paper Estimation of heavy metal concentrations in the water of urban lakes in the Russian Arctic (Murmansk) - English
Paper Features of artistic translations of the Saami poets into the Russian language - Russian
Paper Features of Structural Investment and Innovative Industrial Policy in the Regions of the North and the Arctic and Assessment of Prospects for Technological Modernization of Industrial Production - English
Paper Force balance in current sheets in collisionless plasma - English
Paper Forming Strategy of Innovative and Technology Development for Manufacturing Facility - English
Paper Geoheritage of the Monchegorsk Igneous Layered Paleoproterozoic Intrusion (Kola Peninsula, Arctic Russia): Evaluation and Geotourism Opportunities Poland English
Paper Geoheritage of the Western Khibiny Ingenious Alkaline Rocks Intrusion (Kola Peninsula, Arctic Russia): Evaluation and Geotourism opportunities Poland, Israel English
Paper Healthy ecosystems for human and animal health: Science diplomacy for responsible development in the Arctic Sweden, Canada, Greenland, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland English
Paper How do species barriers decay? Concordance and local introgression in mosaic hybrid zones of mussels - English
Monograph chapter India-Russia Cultural Ties: Changing Dimensions / First Images of India in Russian Mind India English
Paper Influence of diesel fuel on the composition and content of free amino acids in the green alga Acrosiphonia arcta - English
Paper Intellectual Evolution of Georg Lukács in the Context of Developing Lenin’s Idea of Revolution Hungary English
Paper Main implementation criteria of the Ecology National Project in Russian regions - English
Paper Mobile forms in architecture, painting and music as a paradigm of the contemporary spatial image of the world - Russian
Paper Models of the General Circulation of the Earth’s Atmosphere: Achievements and Directions of Development - English
Paper Multimodal transcription as a tool of understanding visual metaphors - English
Paper Palynoindication of the environment in the impact zone of the Apatit mining processing plant with the use of pollen of Pinus sylvestris L. - English
Paper Palynoindication of the environment of industrial cities in the Far North - English
Paper Peculiarities of Teaching Bilingual Children - English
Paper Pedagogy of happiness: A Russian view - English
Paper Photosynthetic Capacity of Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus, 1753 (Phaeophyta: Fucales) in the Barents Sea during the Tidal Cycle - English
Paper Physical and mathematical measurements of potential hazard during storage of diesel fuel at the tank battery - English
Paper Physical and mathematical Model of Emergency Situations When Handling Fuel Oil at the Fuel Enterprise in Murmansk - English
Paper Physical-and-chemical calculations of safe mode of propane transportation - English
Paper Physico-chemical study of systems involving ethanol, promising for use as a biofuel - English
Paper Physiological State of the Red Alga Palmaria palmatа (L.) F.Weber et D.Mohr in the Barents Sea During the Winter Period - English
Paper Preservation of the Biological Diversity of an Industrial City - English
Paper Problems of Innovation and Technological Development of Mining Enterprises of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation - English
Paper Problems of occupational safety management in the context of implementation of the vision zero concept - Russian
Paper Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in the Region of High Latitudes at Various States of the Ionosphere at the Frequencies of the RSDN-20 (Alpha) Radionavigation System - English
Paper Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves with Frequencies of the Beta Time Signal Service Through the Ionosphere in Different States at High Latitudes - English
Paper pyFIRI — A free and open source Python software package of the non-auroral Earth's lower ionosphere - English
Paper Recent trends of human presence in the Arctic area (as exemplified by Murmansk region, Russia) - English
Paper Release and special transfer of former cams to the European north of Russia: Historiographical aspect - Russian
Paper Removing copper and nickel from contaminated water with vermiculite-sungulite materials - Russian
Paper Smart production: Features of assessing the level of personnel digital readiness - English
Paper Spatial Planning as a Tool of Marine and Coastal Nature Management in Krasnodar Krai - English
Paper Species identification based on a semi-diagnostic marker: Evaluation of a simple conchological test for distinguishing blue mussels Mytilus edulis L. and M. trossulus Gould Finland, USA English
Paper Technology for Dynamic Configuring of the Decision Support System for Personnel Security of the Regional Mining and Chemical Cluster - English
Paper Temperature and Rheological Parameters of the Baltic Shield Lithosphere from Electromagnetic Sounding Results - English
Paper The B-group vitamins in the red alga Palmaria palmatа (Barents Sea): Composition, seasonal changes and influence of abiotic factors - English
Paper The European Arctic in the 16th—18th centuries: models and practices of commercial development (peasants, merchants, monasteries, the state) - Russian
Paper The Technology of Spatial Relations Visualization Based on the Analysis of Natural Language Texts - English
Paper Theatrical Activity as a Means of Forming Interpersonal Relations Between Younger Students in an Inclusive Learning Environment - English
Paper Use of MatLab environment for development of automatic control systems of temperature and humidity regime in a greenhouse using neural regulators - English


Monitoring and Preservation of Arctic Nature Ecosystems Laboratory

Head: Maria Menshakova – Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Associate professor



Computer Modeling of Physical Processes in the Near-Earth Environment Laboratory

Head: Boris Prokhorov – Ph.D in Physics



Sociological Research Laboratory

Head: Ekaterina Sharova – Ph.D. of Sociology



Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence for the Arctic Laboratory

Head: Irina Lazareva – Ph.D. of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Associate professor



Аnthropological Research Laboratory

Head: Vasily Voronov – Ph.D. of Philosophy, Associate professor



Physicotechnological Materials in Mining and Electrical Engineering Laboratory


Technological Operations in Earth-Resources Processing and Extraction Laboratory

Head: Daria Shibaeva – Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences



Tundra Research Station

Head: Viktor Tsylev – Ph.D. of Philosophy, Associate professor



International Interdisciplinary Research Center for Russian Arctic Development

Lead research fellow: George Gogoberidze – Advanced Doctor in Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Associate professor, Vice Rector for Research Affairs



Arctic Logistics

Head: Mikhail Vasyokha, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor



Chemistry and Technology of Marine Bio-resources

Head: Daria Kolotova, PhD in Chemical Sciences



Eco-engineering and Pollution Monitoring in the Arctic Zone

Head: Zhanna Vasilyeva, Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor



Quality of Arctic Urban Living

Head: Zoya Zhelnina, Ph.D. in Philosophy
