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Pepresentatives of the Netherlands Consulate General in St. Petersburg

On October 5th, 2016 the representatives of the Netherlands Consulate General in St. Petersburg and the leading architectural companies in Netherlands «MLA +» visited MASU.


MASU delegation visited UiT Arctic University of Norway

On 26-30 September MASU delegation visited the Arctic University of Norway. The delegation included Professor Andrey Sergeev, Rector, Professor Maxim Shishaev, Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning and Work with branches, Ass.Professor Inna Ryzhkova, Head of Research Work and International Cooperation and Yulia Shestova, project specialist, interpreter.


Congress of the University of Arctic

On 12-16 September 2016 the first ever Congress of the University of Arctic took place at Saint-Petersburg State University. UArctic is the international network of more than 180 higher educational institutions and research centers from 16 countries cooperating within scientific research and education for sustainable development of northern regions and support for local population.


Delegation from the Netherlands

The delegation from the Netherlands visited MASU on the 8th of September. The delegation included Deputy Consul-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Hugo Brouwer, as well as representatives of Twin Cities Coordination Council and business representatives.


Delegation from Consulate General of the Republic of Korea

On the 2nd of June the delegation from Consulate General of the Republic of Korea visited MASU. The delegation included Consul on Political and Economic Issues Cheong U Jing. During the meeting with MASU administration they discussed the problems of organizing the conference on the Northern Sea Route which will take place in Murmansk on the 16th June 2016.


Cultural Heritage of Tourism in the Barents region

The joint educational training course «Cultural Heritage of Tourism in the Barents region» was carried out on the 22nd−27th of May. The course aimed at training professional staff for the tourism industry in the Northern territories and the Arctic. The intensive educational course was organized by Murmansk Arctic State University. Students and teachers from Lapland Consortium (Rovaniemi, Finland) and MASU (Murmansk, Russia) participated in the program.


Delegation from Harbin

On the 24th of May the delegation from Harbin visited MASU. The Chinese delegation included officials and executives: Gao Huimin, head of Foreign Affairs Directorate of Harbin People’s Government; Xie Xuekun, office director of Harbin Municipal Education Bureau; Sung Zhuo-Syan, Deputy Director of Harbin school #6 and Cheng Si, head of External Relations Office at Harbin University.


«Days of Northern Europe» at MASU

The traditional students’ festival «Days of Northern Europe», dedicated to the history and culture of the north countries, international relations in the Barents Region was held at Murmansk Arctic State University.

Her Majesty’s Consul General Keith Allan visited MASU

On the 10th of May Her Majesty’s Consul General Keith Allan visited MASU. During the meeting with MASU Rector Professor Andrey Sergeev they discussed the questions regarding the Russian British cooperation in the sphere of higher education.


The International Russian-Norwegian Seminar «Health and Education»

On the 26-28 of April 2016 the International Russian-Norwegian Seminar «Health and Education» was held at Murmansk Arctic State University.


Delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

On the 13th of April the delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea visited MASU. The delegation included Consul General of the Republic of Korea Lee Jin-Hyun.

Comparative approaches in social work with children and youth in Russia and Norway

On the 4th–8th of April 2016 in Norwegian Arctic University (Finnmark Faculty, Alta) was held an international seminar on «Comparative approaches in social work with children and youth in Russia and Norway».


IV Kant Bakhtin Seminar

On the 16th-17th of March the IV International Kant and Bakhtin Seminar was held at Murmansk Arctic State University (MASU). This philosophical forum has already become a traditional spring event, which is attended by leading representatives of the University science in the European North.

Workshop on Euroarctic Cross-Border Tourism

On the 17th −18th of March 2016 «Workshop on Euroarctic Cross-Border Tourism» was organized by University of Tromso, Arctic University of Norway. The seminar was devoted to the issues of cross-border cooperation in the tourism sector.


Representatives of the US Consulate General visited MASU

On the 18th of February, 2016 representatives of the US Consulate General visited MASU. The delegation included Deputy Principal Officer Courtney R.Nemroff, Political and Economic Officer Sarah Longbrake and consular assistant Alexei Gorodetsky.


Seminar «Home»

International Scientific and Practical Seminar «Home» took place at Murmansk Arctic State University on 24-25 November. The seminar became the first event within the project «MASU laboratory of anthropological research».

Meeting a Delegation from Germany

On November 26th, 2015 the representatives of the Land association of children's and youth recreation centers in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) visited Murmansk Arctic State University.


The session of the project «Cultural Initiative Incubator»

On 5-8 October, 2015 during the session of the project «Cultural Initiative Incubator» the participants from Finland, Norway, Sweden, the Republic of Karelia, Nenets Autonomous District and the Murmansk region presented their creative ideas and offered different directions of the project activities development.


Meeting with the children's writer Endre Lund Eriksen

On October 8, 2015 Endre Lund Eriksen, author of children's books, member of the Writers' Union of Northern Norway visited Murmansk State Humanities University in order to tell the students and the teachers about his famous books.


The presentation of the book «70 years of peace by a border, 1944 — 2014»

On October 2, 2015 Olaug Bye Gamnes, the author of the book «70 years of peace by a border, 1944 — 2014», Bjoerg Dørmænen, Head of Office at School in Jarfjord and Britt-Åse Mortensen, the project assistant visited Murmansk State Humanities University to commemorate the significant date in Russian-Norwegian history.

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