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Latest local events


Meeting in Kirkenes

On the 6th−7th April 2010 a meeting took place in Kirkenes. It was devoted to the development of the Master Programme in Practical Knowledge with focus on Boderology which will be realized by joint efforts of Bodø University and MSPU.


Meeting with Mr. Siegmar Buchwald

On the 5th of April the MSPU was visited by Mr. Siegmar Buchwald, the chairman of «Humanistic Initiative ‘Interjugend’ in Sachsen-Anchalt» organization.

Meeting with U.S. Consul for Press and Culture

On the 5th of April, 2010 MSPU was visited by Mr. Eric A. Johnson, Consul for Press and Culture, U.S. Consulate General in St. Petersburg and Ms. Yelena V. Smirnova, Information Resource Center Director, U.S. Consulate General in St. Petersburg.


Finnbarents representatives visit

On the 25th March in 2010 MSPU was visited by representatives of Finnbarents: coordinator of International projects — Irina Gerashchenko, the teacher of Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences — Eija Raasakka and also representatives of Murmansk municipal and regional administration, municipal authorities from Kola, Monchegorsk, Kirovsk, Kandalaksha, Polyarnyu Zori and Lapland reserve.


«Bachelor of Northern Studies» program presentation

On the 16th of March MSPU was visited by Bjørn Sagdal, regional coordinator of the Degree program «Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies», and Per Møller, local coordinator of the program at Finnmark University College.


Meeting within Barents Cross-Border University

From the 10th till the 13th of March 2010 a meeting of Rectors from Universities participating in the international project «Barents Cross-Border University» and meetings of Working Groups in Master programs were held at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi.


Meeting with our Czech colleagues

On the 23-24 February 2010 MSPU was visited by the Czech Aerobics Union representatives: Jana Havrdova, Chairperson of the Educational Committee, and Barbora Sulcova, the leading coach of the best fitness-club in Prague, the repeated Europe and World Champion in Fitness-Aerobics, coach of teams which competed with our team «Aerodance» and which won the gold and silver medals at the World Championship in 2009.


Meeting with Norwegian Consul

On the 10th of February 2010 Elin Marie Hellum, Konsul of the Royal Norwegian Consulate-General, and Tatjana Dezjina, secretary of the Consulate, visited MSPU.


New International Project Announced

On the 7th of February 2010 the official meeting took place between MSPU administration and the representatives of the Ministry of National policy and cooperation with religious societies in Karelian Republic, as well as with the Institute of language, literature and history at Karelian Scientific Center, in particular with Minister Manin A.A., Doctor of philosophy Zaitzeva N.G., Cand. Sc. (History) Strogalshikova Z.I. and with the coordinator of state programmes on indigenous groups Haritonova E.V.


Meeting with our norwegian colleagues

On the 26th January the Deputy mayor of Kirkenes, director of Kirkenes Adult Learning Centre Lisbeth Isaksen, coordinator of International programs Torgeir Johansen and the interpreter Lisa Stepanova visited MSPU.


Meeting with Professor Erik Egeberg

On the 17th−19th December 2009 Professor Erik Egeberg (University of Tromso, Norway) visited Murmansk State Pedagogical University within the research and practice conference «Maslov Readings».


Meeting with Martti Ruokokoski, Consul of Finland

On the 10th of December Consul of Finland Martti Ruokokoski visited Murmansk State Pedagogical University.

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