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Internationalization of Higher Education in the Barents Euro-Arctic region

On September 30, 2015 the international scientific and practical seminar «Internationalization of Higher Education in the Barents Euro-Arctic region» was carried out at Murmansk State Humanities University.


The first training section of «Young Entrepreneurs Program — 2015»

22-24 September 2015 in the conference hall of the Hotel «Azimut» the first training section of «Young Entrepreneurs Program» was held.


The public lectures by Milosh Huber (Lublin, Poland)

September 8, 2015 the public lectures by Milosh Huber were held at Murmansk State Humanities University at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Physical Education and Safety.


BNS Diplomas Awarding Ceremony

July 10, 2015 Murmansk State Humanities University hosted a ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates of joint Norwegian-Russian degree program «Bachelor of Northern Studies» run by MSHU’s leading partner in the field of international research and educational cooperation Finnamrk Faculty of the Arctic University of Norway.

Meeting a Delegation from Dalian Polytechnic University

July 13, 2015 MSHU was visited by representatives of one of the leading technical universities in China — Dalian Polytechnic University.


Meeting with the DAAD representatives

On the 15th of May Dr. Gregor Berghorn, Head of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Houses of Research and Innovation in Russia (DWIH) in Moscow, and Dr. Michael Kleineberg, Head of Information Center of the German Academic Exchange Service in Saint-Petersburg, visited MSHU.


Presentation of the Book «70 Years of Peace at the Border. 1944-2014»

On June 5, 2015 Murmansk State Humanities University hosted a presentation of the Norwegian-Russian publishing project «70 Years of Peace at the Border. 1944-2014» which culminated in publication of collaborative effort, «70 Years of Peace in the Borderlands: 1944-2014. Stories of Contemporaries» (Kirkenes, 2014).


Meeting with the Barents Institute representatives

On the 6th of May 2015 MSHU had an official visit by the delegation from the Norwegian Barents Institute, headed by Director of the Institute Marianne Solheim. The delegation included members of the board of the Barents Institute, which at this stage is part of the Arctic University of Norway.


Third International Kant and Bakhtin Seminar

On April 16-17 the Third International Kant and Bakhtin Seminar took place at Murmansk State Humanities University. Its topic was understanding the personality, values and borders in view of I. Kant, M. Bakhtin and L. Karsavin’s ideas.


High North Dialogue Conference in Bodø, Norway

On March 15-19 rector of MSHU Andrey Sergeev and head of international cooperation and public relations office, Associate Professor Inna Ryzhkova took part in international conference «High North Dialogue» at University of Nordland in Bodø, Norway.


Consul General of Sweden in Saint-Petersburg visited MSHU

On the 19th of January 2015 Consul General of Sweden in Saint-Petersburg Erik Hammarskjold visited MSHU. Consul General had a meeting with MSHU Rector Andrei Sergeev, Professor Olga Ivanischeva and representatives of International Cooperation and PR’ Office. Mr Hammarskjold also met with the students of MSHU and MIBO who study Swedish.


Final conference within the project «ArctiChildren InNet»

On 11-13 November the final conference within the project «ArctiChildren InNet» took place in Rovaniemi. Representatives of MSHU Department of Social Sciences and International Office, as well as teachers from pilot schools: Murmansk Gymnasium #5, Lovozero secondary school and Kandalaksha secondary school — took part in the conference.


First ARTSMO network's Finnish-Russian intensive programme

On October 27-31, 2014 MSHU Faculty of Arts Education, Technology and Design hosted FIRST ARTSMO network’s Finnish-Russian intensive programme called «Murmansk — a social phenomenon. A service design workshop with graphic design, experimental design and fine art as mediums», in which participated 13 Finnish and 12 Russian students.


Intensive educational course in Tourism Destination Development in the Barents Region in Murmansk

On 27-31 October 2014 an intensive training course in Tourism Destination Development in the Barents region was conducted at Murmansk State Humanities University in cooperation with the University of Lapland.


Philosophy in the Border Zone

On 16-17 October the international science and practice symposium «Philosophy in the Border Zone» took place at Arts School in Nikel. The organizers of the symposium were Nordland University (Bodo, Norway) and Murmansk State Humanities University.


A visit of the Consul of the Republic of Poland to MSHU Mrs. Lucyna Morawska-Uhryn

On the 01.10.2014 Mrs. Lucyna Morawska-Uhryn, Consul of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, paid a visit to the MSHU.


New perspectives in cooperation

New perspectives in cooperation between Murmansk State Humanities University and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University


Official meeting with Isabelle Guissard

On the 10-11th of June an official meeting with the representative of international office of Finnmark Faculty of the Arctic University of Norway Isabelle Guissard took place at MSHU. During the negotiations with MSHU Rector and Vice-Rectors they discussed issues on the general cooperation strategy of Finnmark Faculty and MSHU in the sphere of international projects, research and programs.


News of the project «Young Innovative Entrepreneurs»

On 3-4 June the «Young Innovative Entrepreneurs» project participants from Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway met at the conference «Barents Reunion» in Tornio, Finland. At the same time the Barents Festival for young entrepreneurs was carried out in Tornio.


Conference «Voices from the North: Calling for Inclusive Education»

On the 10-11 April the conference «Voices from the North: Calling for Inclusive Education» took place in the University of Lapland. The conference considered both theoretical problems of inclusive education and practical aspects of inclusion. Representatives from Russia (Murmansk and Arkhangelsk region), Finland and Denmark took part in the conference.

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