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Latest local events


A contest for the best knowledge of the French language among the students of Murmansk

On April 21 the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication held a contest for the best knowledge of the French language among the students of Murmansk higher institutions.


The enlarged meeting of the Council of Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communicat

On April 20 the enlarged meeting of the Council of Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication took place.


The Days of the Northern countries in Murmansk

On April 4th within the Days of the Northern countries in Murmansk two events took place in room 208 of the MSHU main building: presentation «Cities and towns of Northern Europe through students’ eyes» made by students (Faculty of history and social sciences) and demonstration and discussion of the film about life and art of Knut Hamsun «Dreamed and lived» (Department of the Russian language, literature and methods of teaching them).


The student theater «Nordica»

On 16.04 the student theater «Nordica» put a performance «One word led to another» on the stage of the MSHU assembly hall.


Arctic Conference

On April 12-13 the international conference «Russia and Regional Cooperation in the Arctic» took place in Murmansk.


Seminar in Lovozero

On April 7 Lovozero hosted an international scientific seminar within the network for the research into social sciences in the Arctic «Kola reindeer husbandry communities in the post-Soviet 1920-s: problems of the remote settlements».


A visit of teachers from Sweden

Today teachers of the Department of Cultural Studies, Intercultural Communication, Theory of Language and Journalism met their partners from Lulea University of Technology (Sweden) who arrived at MSHU within the project «A bridge to democracy and journalism».

Lectures of Professor from Saint-Petersburg

Students of the MSHU Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication who study culturology have got a unique opportunity to attend a course of lectures on the discipline «History of culturological ideas» given by one of the leading Russian specialists Lubov Mosolova, Doctor of Art Studies, professor of A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University.

A visit to the University of Tromso (Norway)

On March 21-28 Olga Ivanischeva, Doctor of Philology, Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication visited the University of Tromso (Norway).


The Third International Forum of Young Politicians

On the 21st-23rd of March Arkhangelsk hosted the Third International Forum of Young Politicians of the North-West of Russia and Nordic Countries dedicated to the challenges faced in cooperation, education and employment of young people in the North-West of Russia and in Nordic countries.


The University of the Arctic v rectors’ forum 2011

From 23 till 24.03 the delegation from MSHU consisting of the rector Andrei Sergeev and head of international office Mikhail Smirnyakov participated in the University of the Arctic (UArctic) V Rectors' forum which took place in Kautokeino (Norway).


Bjorn Sagdahl and Peter Haugseth visited MSHU

On the 22nd of March 2011 Bjorn Sagdahl and Peter Haugseth, lecturers of the program «Bachelor of Northern Studies» (Finnmark University College, Alta, Norway) visited Murmansk State Humanities University.


Frau Dr. Barbara Frankenberg im Zentrum für akademische Mobilität

Am 21. März fand das Treffen mit der stellvetretenden Leiterin des Goethe-Instituts in St. Petersburg Frau Dr. Barbara Frankenberg im Zentrum für akademische Mobilität statt.


Project «Public-private partnership in Barents region»

On the 15th — 18th of March a kick-off meeting within the project «Public-private partnership in Barents region» took place at Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences.


Awarding the Rector of the University of Tromsø Mr. Jarle Aarbakke attributes of Honorary Professor

On the 15.03.2011 in the assembly hall an enlarged meeting of the Academic Board with an invitation of the scientific and teaching staff and students took place, which was dedicated to awarding the Rector of the University of Tromsø Mr. Jarle Aarbakke attributes of Honorary Professor of Murmansk State Pedagogical University.


Meeting within the framework of the project «Religion and ethics teaching at school»

On the 2nd of March MSHU was attended by Svein Helge Orheim, administrative manager of Barents Institute (Norway), Thomas Lunden, professor of center for Baltic and Eastern European studies in Södertörns University College, Stockholm (Sweden) and Lyudmila Dvoinikova, teacher of the Russian language at secondary school in Kirkenes (Norway) within the framework of the project «Teaching religion and ethics at school».


Sami identity: problems of language and culture preservation in the High North

On the 10th and 11th of March MSHU will host international conference «Sami identity: problems of language and culture preservation in the High North».


The BCBU Rectors Meeting in Oulu

On the 23-24th of March the town of Oulu in Finland hosted regular activities within the framework of the international project «Barents Cross-Border University» including meeting of the rectors and discussions of individual master’s programs leading to joint/double degrees.


The Metaphysics at the turn of time

On the 21-22 of February the regional research and practice seminar with international participation «The Metaphysics at the turn of time», coincided with the 450th anniversary of Francis Bacon and the 415th anniversary of René Descartes took place at MSHU.


Meeting with Torlaug Lundh Aukrust

On the 2nd of February Rector of MSHU Andrey Sergeev met with a senior advisor of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Torlaug Lundh Aukrust who is currently on her study tour at the Consulate General of Norway in Murmansk.

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