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Latest local events


«The War in the Arctic Region: to the 75-anniversary of the Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive» conference starts in MASU

The All-Russian scientific-practical Conference with International Participation «The War in the Arctic Region: to the 75-anniversary of the Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive» starts in Murmansk Arctic State University


«MURMANИSTIKA» festival carried out at MASU will become regular

The festival «MURMANИSTIKA» will be held on regular basis and will tour through the cities of the region as the head of the region Andrey Chibis claimed at the closing ceremony of young urbanists and designers


The results of «MURMANИSTIKA» festival will be presented at an exhibition

The urban environment festival «MURMANISTICA» at Murmansk Arctic State University is finishing


MASU on the meeting in the Ministry of higher education and science on Russian-Norwegian collaboration

On 4th of October the meeting on Russian-Norwegian collaboration took place in the Ministry of Science and Higher education of the Russian Federation in Moscow


BeTech: the First Series of Events!

MASU delegation, pupils and school teachers of the Murmansk region took part in events within the international project «BeTech: development of common approaches to involvement of youth into science and technical sphere» in Oulu, Finland


MASU and Weihai Vocational Colledge signed a cooperation Memorandum

The delegation of campus of MASU Kirovsk campus visited Weihai Vocational Colledge (China)


British author of the book about the Arctic Convoys delivered a lecture to MASU students

The British writer John Chuter, son of a participant of the Arctic convoys, met with students at Murmansk Arctic State University


Young diplomats from Norway paid a visit to MASU

On September 4, a delegation of future diplomats from Norway visited Murmansk Arctic State University


MASU is represented at ESERA 2019

Murmansk Arctic State University will be represented at The ESERA 2019 conference in Bologna, Italy, August 26-30 together with its partners

Free MOOC by Institut Nordique du Quebec «Northern Quebec: Issues, Spaces and Cultures»

Institut nordique du Quebec of Laval University(Canada) invites everyone to take the open online course «Northern Quebec: Issues, Spaces and Cultures»


Arctic Frontiers Emerging Leaders

Arctic Frontiers Emerging Leaders, 22 — 28 January 2020, is an Arctic early carrier and mentoring program in the High North of Norway for young scientists and professionals with a special interest in Arctic topics


Meeting with European Union official delegation in the RF

On July 26, Murmansk Arctic State University hosted an official delegation of the European Union in the Russian Federation represented by Ambassador of the European Union to the Russian Federation Marcus Ederer and Senior Councilor, head of the Department in the Delegation of the European Union to the RF Richard Burger


MASU representative took part in the 5th Korea Arctic Academy

The 5th Korea Arctic Academy, an annual event dedicated to the development of the northern territories, was held from July 3 to 13 in Busan and Seoul (South Korea). MASU was presented at the event by the advisor of Research and International Cooperation Office, Mikhail Uksusov


Participants of the first BRIDGE project round awarded

On June 14, the results of the first stage of the «BRIDGE: Barents Region Initiative for Developing Growth and Employability» project were summed up. Students were awarded certificates from the Lapland University of Applied Sciences in Tornio (Finland)


MASU delegation took part in the «Arctic Arts Summit» in Rovaniemi

On June 3-5, the delegation of MASU took part in the biggest annual event «Arctic Arts Summit 2019» dedicated to the development of arts and design in the northern territories


MASU took part in the Days of the Russian-Finnish border cooperation

The agenda included presentations by representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Murmansk Region, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Murmansk Region, heads of municipalities and Finnish and Russian industrial enterprises

Case presentations in the framework of the international project «BRIDGE»

On May 20 and 21 in the Youth Center for technological and social entrepreneurship «Coworking 51», case presentations were held as part of the international project of the Kolarctic CBC «BRIDGE: Barents Region Initiative for Developing Growth and Employability»


MASU students met with Consul of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk

On April 26, MASU students met with Consul of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk Ms. Astrid Nerum within the international festival «Barents Bird». The consul delivered a lecture about work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway. In addition, Ms. Nerum shared her experience as a diplomat


MASU students met with the modern Norwegian writer Arne Svingen

On April 23, MASU philology students and teachers from the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communications met with the famous modern Norwegian writer Arne Svingen and translator Anastasia Naumova in the framework of the International Festival «Barents Bird»


Students from MASU and The Arctic University of Norway took part in an intensive course on social work with children and youth in the Barents Region

On April 1-4, 10 students and two teachers from the Arctic University of Norway visited MASU and took part in the annual event «Intensive course on social work with children and youth in the Barents Region — development prospects in Russia and Norway»

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