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Latest local events


Happy life of Theophile Gautier

December 5 at the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication a lecture was given on Theophile Gautier. The lecture was delivered by Eugene Berg, the official representative of French oil and gas company «Total Exploration & Production Russia» in Murmansk.


Regional research and practice seminar

November 28-29 Murmansk State Humanities University hosted a regional research and practice seminar with international participation «Social and Cultural Mechanisms of Everyday Life in the Circumpolar World».


«Fall 2011» blitz programming tournament

November 26 a blitz programming tournament «Fall 2011» among MSHU students took place. The sponsors of the tournament were: MSHU, Orient Express Bank, Microsoft corp. Murmansk Representative Office.


«Barents Cross-Border University» project meeting

In November 2011 Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) hosted a meeting within the «Barents Cross-Border University» project, which included two events: working group meeting on master degree program in Comparative Social Work (on November 23) and vice-rectors’ meeting (on November 24).

Regional research and practice seminar

November 25, 2011 the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Education, Computer Science and Programming hosted a regional research and practice seminar «The experience of using free software in education at schools and universities».


Open lecture

On November 24 at the Faulty of Physical and Mathematical Education, Computer Science and Programming a lecture was delivered on the topic «Artificial Intelligence: an Introduction to Computational Linguistics Perspective».


Meeting with colleagues from the University of Lapland

On the 16 November representatives of the University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland) Maria Huhmarniemi and Virpi Nurmela visited the Faculty of Arts Education, Technology and Design where they had a meeting with the faculty staff and students.

Working visit of delegation from Norway to Institute for Psychology and Pedagogy

On the 17th of November a representative of University of Nordland (Bodø, Norway) Mr. Gisle Johnsen, professor, dean deputy of faculty of professional education and Mr. Fritz Johnsen, a representative of Statped organization (Norway) that offers guidance in practical implementation of methods and technologies of special pedagogy and psychology paid a working visit to MSHU.


A visit to Pitea Media School (Sweden)

On 8-10 November MSHU representatives visited Piteå Media School (Sweden) within the international project BART «Public-Private Partnership in Barents Tourism».


Meeting with Bertrand Sirven

On November 8, students of the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication met with Bertrand Sirven, a guest from France, engineer on renewable resources, representative of the company «Électricité de France».


Official launch of the new international project

On the 21-22 of October a new joint project called CETIA: «Coastal Environment, Technology and Innovation in the Arctic» co-financed by EC programme Kolarctic was launched on the premises of Murmansk State Humanities University.

A visit to Rovaniemi

On 27-29 October 2011 MSHU Rector, Professor Andrey Sergeev and Inna Ryzhkova, Director of the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs, had an official visit to the University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland).


Russian-Norwegian seminar

On 26.10.11 MSHU hosted the Russian-Norwegian seminar «Experience and perspectives of Russian-Norwegian cooperation in the sphere of education and science at the beginning of ÕÕI century».


International conference

On October 18 there was a conference devoted to culture and history of the Skolt Sámi.

International seminar

On October 26 MSHU is holding an international seminar «Experience and perspectives of Russian-Norwegian cooperation in the sphere of education and science at the beginning of the XXI century: Murmansk State Humanities University and Finnmark University College (Norway)».


A visit of the Consul General of Norway

On 11.10.2011 our university was visited by the Consul General of Norway in Murmansk, Øyvind Nordsletten. He was invited to the university by the administration of MSHU. It was a familiarizing visit because Mr. Nordsletten took the position only on August 29, 2011.


BART project meeting

On the 5th of October 2011 a meeting took place at the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs with the BART project coordinators Mari Vahakuopus, Eija Raasakka and Marlene Kohlechner-Autto (representatives of Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences).

International Students Conference on Sociology

On the 6th of October 2011 MSHU hosted international students conference on sociology arranged by an exchange master student from University of Tromsø Åshild Selboe.


A visit to Kirkenes

On September 30 — October 01 the Barents Secretariat in Kirkenes ( Norway) organized the Research Days which included presentations of modules within «Bachelor of Northern Studies» program realized by Finnmark University College.


«German at full speed» interactive performance

On the 25th of September, students, schoolchildren, German language lovers and just passers-by became participants of a three-hour interactive show with music, games, competitions, theatrical improvisation, communication held in Murmansk State Humanities University in the framework of the project «German at full speed», organized by the German Cultural Center Goethe in St. Petersburg.

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