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BART project meeting

On the 7th of February 2011 a meeting took place at the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs with the BART project coordinators Mari Vähäkuopus, Eija Raasakka and Sari Sivonen.

Project «Bridge to democracy and journalism»

On the 23-30th of January lecturers of the department of culture studies, international communication, linguistic theory and journalism attended Luleo University of Technology (Sweden).


Nichts als Arbeit

On 04.02.2011 in the main building of MSHU there was a meeting of MSHU students and International office of our university with the German delegation of the organization «Humanistic initiative «Interjugend» in Sachsen-Anhalt».


THW-Jugend delegation visit

From 28.01 to 01.02.2011 the German youth delegation of the Union of Rescue Teams THW-Jugend consisting of 11 persons visited Murmansk.


Annual International Conference «Arctic Frontiers»

On the 23rd−24th of January the Annual International Conference «Arctic Frontiers» took place at the University of Tromso.

The meeting with SOS Programme Coordinator

On the 27th of January 2011 Rector of Murmansk State Humanities University Andrey Sergeev had a meeting with Lars Gill, SOS Programme Coordinator.


The visit of the Governor of the Murmansk region to MSHU

On 25 January the Governor of the Murmansk region, Dmitry Dmitrienko, visited Murmansk State Humanities University.


«Big World»: an honoured guest of MSHU — Jon Elvedal Fredriksen

On December 23 the Consul General of Norway, Jon Elvedal Fredriksen, visited our University. This was the second meeting with lecturers, students and employees of MSHU within the «Big World» project.


Working meeting within the frameworks of the joint project «Education for All»

On the 6th of December, 2010 representatives from MSHU: Tatyana Kuzmicheva, PhD, Head of the Department of Special Psychology and Logopedics, Elena Golishnikova, PhD, Institute for Psychology and Pedagogy and Bella Shuruhova, Head of the International Office took part in the working meeting with the colleagues from the University of Helsinki (Finland), University College Lillebælt (Denmark) and Karelian State Pedagogical Academy (Russia).


Project «Nomad» international seminar

On the 30th November — the 2nd December an international seminar took place at the Barents Institute (Kirkenes, Norway).

«Bachelor of Northern Studies» program meeting

On the 8th of December 2010 Bjorn Sagdahl (professor of the program «Bachelor of Northern Studies») and Per Moller (coordinator of the program from Finnmark University College, Alta, Norway) visited MSHU.

Meeting with the Consul General of Sweden

On the 9th of December 2010 the Consul General of Sweden Jan Nyberg and Consul of Sweden Christina Johannesson visited MSHU.


«English in the borderline schools» seminar

On the 1st—2nd of December the second session within «English in the borderline schools» project took place in Kirkenes (Norway).


Official visit of prof. Jan Selmer Methi (Bodo University College, Norway)

On the 7th of December Professor Jan Selmer Methi (Bodø University College) visited MSHU. Within the official visit Professor Methi had a meeting with Professor Andrey Sergeev, MSHU rector. During the meeting they shared their opinion on the specific features of pedagogical education systems in Russia and Norway.


«Big World» project: an honoured guest of MSPU — Eugene Berg

On November 23 a new project «Big World» was presented at MSPU. Students from different faculties met in one of the main building room.


English in the borderline schools

On the 27th−28th of October an international seminar took place in Zapoliarny (Murmansk region) within the joint Russian-Norwegian project «English in the borderline schools».


«Barents Cross border University» project meeting

On November 2nd, 2010 Murmansk State Humanities University together with Murmansk State Technical University and Murmansk Humanities Institute organized a meeting for Vice Rectors from the institutions-participants of the «Barents Cross border University» project.


The guests from Tromsø

On the 9th–10th of November representatives of the University of Tromsø (Norway): Head of the Department of Education Sonni Olsen, lecturers Steinar Thorvaldsen, Andy Sortland, Lisbet Rønningsbakk and Marit Bjerkeng (Finnmark University College) visited MSHU.


«Young Scientists in the Barents region» research camp

From the 1st till the 5th of November 2010 MSPU students: Natalia Lebedeva, Lidia Shalak, Egor Demjanchenko (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Physical Culture and Life Safety), Ilya Kasatkin, Bethany Webster, Alexey Zubov (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Information Science and Programming), Vice-Director of the center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs Alexandra Burtseva, Head of the Department of the Russian language, Literature and Methods of Teaching Svetlana Antoshina and 10 school children from Murmansk participated in the research camp «Young Scientists in the Barents region», organized by Tromsø kommune.

The Working Groups' Joint Meeting in the framework of Barents Cross-Border University

On November 2−3 the Joint Meeting of the Vice-rectors and Members of the Working Groups of the Master's Programmes in the framework of Barents Cross-Border University (BCBU) took place at MSPU.

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