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Prospects of a new wave of foreign students in Murmansk Arctic University

In July 2023, Viktoria Piksendeeva, Director of the Arctic Human Resources Center, travelled to India. The visit was organised by Shilon, MAU's international partner, the company that promotes Russian higher education institutions in India.

Summer 2023: what you might have missed

For Murmansk Arctic University, the summer of 2023 was quite productive, especially due to merging of our two universities. Below is the digest of the major events in case you missed some of them.


Two generations of teachers meet at Murmansk Arctic State University

Future teachers present their projects in pedagogy

Consul General of the People's Republic of China visits Murmansk Arctic State University


MASU shapes the future of the Arctic architecture

Experts of Murmansk Arctic State University discussed the projects and ideas for the development of modern architecture and design in Arctic cities.

MASU lecturer joins the International Federation of Translators

Elena Aleksandrova, Associate Professor of MASU Modern Languages Department, has become a member of the Standing Committee on audiovisual translation at the International Federation of Translators.


MASU opens the second Federal Innovation Platform to revitalize the Sami language

MASU Linguistics Institute opens Support Centre for the Languages of the Russia's Indigenous Peoples (the Sami language). This is the second Federal Innovation Platform (FIP) opened at Murmansk Arctic State University this year.


MASU students explored the opportunities for international youth cooperation

MASU became the venue for Open Dialogue with Grigory Petushkov, Chairperson of the National Youth Council of Russia and Vice-Rector for Youth Policy at Russian Technological University MIREA.


MASU opens a unique Federal Innovation Platform on psychology and pedagogy

Innovative educational platform called 'Psychology and Pedagogy convergentor' will start its work in a form of Federal Innovation Platform on the basis of MASU Psychology and Pedagogy Institute.

MASU builds connections with Skoltech

Irina Shadrina, MASU Rector, has visited Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Moscow.

MASU students and lecturers win the Vladimir Potanin Foundation's scholarship and grants

Lecturers and students of Murmansk Arctic State University have won the grant and scholarship competitions organized by the Vladimir Potanin Foundation.


MASU opens Arctic Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Education

Earlier in February, Olga Vasilyeva, President of the Russian Academy of Education, and Irina Shadrina, Rector of MASU, signed an agreement establishing a scientific centre of the Russian Academy of Education in Murmansk Arctic State University.

MASU hosts a mathematics festival for students from local schools

More than 130 students attended the Festival and took part in various educational events.

MASU Apatity branch joins Russian Green Universities Association

Now the Apatity branch will also be able to participate in the Association's events and marathons by promoting environmental education among youth, creating student eco-movements, and building cooperation between environmentally-oriented student and youth associations.


Russia's leading art community welcomes MASU representatives

A student and a staff member of MASU Creative Industries and Entrepreneurship Institute are now regional ambassadors to Tavrida Art Cluster.


MASU joins the University Consortium for the World Ocean studies

From now on, students of Murmansk Arctic State University have an opportunity to do research on the World Ocean and coastal zones.


MASU young researchers prove to be the best in Murmansk region

Young researchers from Murmansk Arctic State University once more became the best in the competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Murmansk region.

2022 MASU Badminton Tournament Recap

Murmansk Arctic State University held an annual Badminton Tournament in mid-December of 2022, which coincided with the tournament's 15th anniversary.


New university: the two Murmansk state universities will merge by summer

Following the decision of Academic boards of Murmansk arctic state university (MASU) and Murmansk state technical university (MSTU), both organizations will merge into one new higher educational institution.

News: 21—40 of 412